Your Path to Wellness Begins with Root Cause Solutions


This call will be with our New Client Advisor

The starting point in your care.

*This call is not with a doctor. It should not be used to obtain medical advice.

$140 $19.99

Plus Receive Our Kick-Off Bonuses

Here's What You Get:

40 minute consultation with a New Client Advisor from our team to answer your questions about working with our practitioners

  • BONUS #1: Access to Dr. Jaban's Virtual Starter Kit - $99 VALUE

  • BONUS #2: $20 Gift card for supplements or labs on Dr. Jaban's Estore - $20 VALUE

  • BONUS #3: Month of Access to Chasing Health, Dr. Jaban's Membership Platform - $19.99 VALUE

$140 Value

For ONLY $19.99

Has every doctor dismissed your symptoms as 'all in your head'?

You're not alone.

Most of our clients have been there too. At my clinic, we listen, uncover the root cause, and address real suffering, instead of just giving you band-aid solutions.

More about your 1 on 1 call with our Expert



You will be sent an assessment prior to your 1 on 1! Answering these challenging questions is crucial for those who seek more than just information and genuinely want to regain control of their health & daily life.



We understand that most clinics operate by treating the symptoms, but it's our job to get to the root cause of WHY you have those symptoms in the first place. Our expert will discuss your symptoms in depth, how they're affecting your day to day life, and how Dr. Jaban could help. All of our care is customized to what your body needs.



Once your expert has gained a thorough understanding of your health journey and goals, we will tailor a care plan that best suits your needs. Dr. Jaban specializes in complex chronic illnesses and brings almost a decade of experience in helping people address underlying causes.

What Can You Use the Gift Card For?

You can use your gift card at

*We can ship internationally

  • Supplements:

    • Cellcore Biosciences

    • Apex Energetics

    • Ultra Biome

    • Other trusted brands

  • Labs:

    • Mosaic Diagnostics

    • Vibrant Wellness

    • Envirobiomics

    • Other trusted companies

  • Programs:

    • Mold Buster Course

    • Full Moon Cleanse

    • Resetting your Nervous system

    • Parasites 101



$20 Gift Card to Dr. Jaban's E-store

Dr. Jaban's Store carries all of our top brands recommended to clients! After completing your call you'll be able to use the Gift Card on supplements or labs!

Some of our top supplement brands:

Cellcore Biosciences

Apex Energetics


Some of the labs you'll get access to:

Mosaic Diagnostics

Vibrant Wellness



Dr. Jaban's 8-Week Health Foundations Starter Kit

Dr. Jaban put all of his most essential recommendations for his clients into a single, easy-to-use resource. That is what you get in the Health Foundations Starter Kit.

It is a complete set of tools, tips, and practices to restore vibrancy, boost energy, and reclaim your life.

Includes 4 Foundational Health Modules:

1. ​Restoring Your Nervous System

​2. Transformational Mindset

3. Detox Your Life​

4. High-Impact Biohacking Practices


30 DAy Trial To Chasing Health

$19.99 Value

Chasing Health is Dr. Jaban's membership platform where clients become advocates. Learn how to navigate chronic illness and gain a community of like-minded individuals with the same and vitality.

  • Bi-Weekly Live Parent Support Group

  • ​Bi-Weekly Live Nervous System Training Calls

  • ​Monthly Live Cleanses with Dr. Jaban

  • ​Monthly Live Lab Reviews with Dr. Jaban

  • ​SUPPORT from a community searching for answers

Meet Dr. Bronwyn

Dr. Bronwyn's journey began in college, where her desire to enter the healthcare field was met with uncertainty about the right path to help others. In her Junior year, she began experiencing intense daily stomach cramping that disrupted her classes, leaving her incapacitated and in tears. A visit to the ER resulted in an IBS diagnosis, but prescribed medications proved ineffective.

Fortunately, guidance from a family friend, Dr. Jaban Moore, revealed bananas as the culprit. Removing them from her diet and addressing parasites resolved her issues, and since 2012, she hasn't experienced the cramping or pain. This challenging period ignited her passion to help others and directed her to chiropractic school, where she pursued additional seminars to become a Functional Medicine Practitioner.

Throughout her practice, Dr. Bronwyn has assisted clients with complex health issues like Lyme disease, heavy metal toxicity, mold exposure, and parasite infections. Utilizing advanced lab testing and comprehensive client intake, she identifies the true root causes of symptoms for lasting relief. Dr. Bronwyn Morris is a National Board Certified Chiropractor, earning her Bachelor of Human Sciences and Doctorate of Chiropractic from Cleveland University-Kansas City in December 2017. Certified in Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) and trained in Chiropractic Plus Kinesiology (CPK), Sacral-Occipital Technique (SOT), and Functional Medicine, she continues to expand her expertise through additional courses on functional blood chemistry, thyroid, and brain chemistry.


I am 7 months in with our parasite cleansing protocol and I can honestly say I have never felt better in my entire life

I have been chronically sick for 18 years, always dealing with some kind of ailment which prevented me from living a normal healthy life. I've spent years seeking help from doctors and specialists from all over the world, and I've always been told that everything has been normal despite my body telling me otherwise. I've been misdiagnosed and given medication that has ultimately made me sicker, which in turn added another issue to recover from. I am 7 months in with our parasite cleansing protocol and I can honestly say I have never felt better in my entire life. 80% of all the things that I used to deal with are gone or barely there - from digestion, food sensitivity, chronic headaches, muscular pain, low mood , debilitating fatigue and the list goes on. For the first time I feel like my body is healing, and my body is able to support me throughout the day without giving me pain, discomfort, or having to sleep just to have enough energy to make it through the day. I no longer need anti - anxiety meds and I feel so mentally balanced. I think the biggest part of this journey has also been that I have been met with understanding, and knowing that Bronwyn knows that all my symptoms are not made up and that there is a reason why.

This whole process has really been such a blessing to my family. I truly believe that Dr. B helped show us who our son actually is

When we started working with Dr. B, my son Beau was really struggling. He was 4 with Down syndrome and he had skin issues, extreme constipation to where he needed miralax daily to even poop. He was banging his head, had no interest in speaking, would have temper tantrums and cry often, sleep disturbances, wouldn’t eat much (quantity) and didn’t have much interest in trying new foods other than his favorites. He wouldn’t really look adults or kids in the eye when you talked to him, and he wasn’t interested in others. There were time when we worried he might have autism because he was just in his own little world. When I’d ask his typical doctors about these things, they’d tell me things like “he will always need miralax because he has Down syndrome” or “That’s just part of having Down syndrome and not being able to communicate yet” and it was extremely frustrating because it felt like Beau wasn’t living up to the potential we knew he could. I waited months after discovering Dr. Jaban through Dr. Jess on instagram and was so inspired by the stories he’s share from parents about their children. Finally, I decided it’d tried everything and this was the last option I had to help Beau. After working with Dr. B, we realized Beau had some MAJOR gut issues that were causing problems. After going through the different phases in detoxing Beau we started to see a new child. Beau now no longer needs miralax to poop, He’s now pooping twice a day without supplementation. The behaviors like tantrums, head banging, crying and sleep disturbances are totally gone. He sleeps really well now and seems more alert and awake during the day. His interest in food and even feeding himself has done a 180 and he’s trying new foods and eating so much more food than when we started. He’s started showing interest in speaking and using words to communicate what he wants. He’s become so loving, kind, interested in other around him, and he’s thriving in school. He wants to play with his siblings now, where before he would only play alone. He still has some skin dryness on his checks in the winter, but it’s’ nothing compared to what he had previously. This whole process has really been such a blessing to my family. I truly believe that Dr. B helped show us who our son actually is, and for the first time in his short life he feels healthy. He’s such a joy to be around and I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months, year and beyond bring.

The before mentioned symptoms have reduced tremendously and I am excited to continue working with the office

In the beginning, there was fatigue, bloat, anxiety, breakouts bladder incontinence, constipation and much more. Since working with Dr. Bronwyn and taking cell core products, I feel so much better. The before mentioned symptoms have reduced tremendously and I am excited to continue working with the office for continued improvements. My ultimate goal is to gain control over my Multiple Sclerosis and improve some of the symptoms that it has caused. I love it here!

Within the first month I had an 80% improvement in my primary complaint!

I am working with Dr. B. She is very knowledgeable and a great listener. Within the first month I had an 80% improvement in my primary complaint!

We have found so many more answers and pieces together and Dr. B has helped me to make so many more strides in my health journey

Before finding Redefining Wellness and working with Dr. B I was at a crossroads in my health journey! I had made progress but still felt like there were missing puzzle pieces to my story and still so many more answers to be found. From my very first appointment, I knew I was in GREAT hands and that this was the path at the crossroads I was meant to take! I am so happy I did! We have found so many more answers and pieces together and Dr. B has helped me to make so many more strides in my health journey! I am amazed at how far I have come and beyond thankful for all the incredible guidance and encouragement!! Dr.B is always understanding, patient, and empathetic. It’s like she knows exactly what my body is needing. I love working with her and look forward to all of our appointments together and sharing all the victories we are achieving together. I thank God He leads me to Redefining Wellness and that I can be a part of and share in the incredible work they do!!!



$140 $19.99

Plus Receive Our Kick-Off Bonuses

Note: This call is with a new client advisor not a doctor and is not to be used to get medical advice

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